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Valentine's Day


















































































































Queen of Hearts by Mary Englebreit





Valentine's Day Sensory Table - Scavenger Hunt

Another idea for a sensory table. My students LOVED this one. A lot of them stayed at this center the entire party. Once again I used rice that I colored with red food coloring to fill the table. I went to the dollar store and found some valentines themed toys and other things I thought my students would like. I took pictures of the items to make a worksheet for the students so they knew which objects they were looking for. Then I hid the toys in the table and had the students search for them. I put the worksheet in a sheet protector, and the students put an X over an object when they found it. Here is an example of my worksheet. (Note: If there are two of a toy, the students must find both of them; if there are three of a toy, the students must find all three of them, etc.)

Love Bugs

Materials needed: 2 circles, 1 heart, 2 brads, scissors, markers and stamps.

Valentine's Day Bingo

Available at my TPT store, here.

Valentine's Day Sensory Table - Letter Hunt

I used red food coloring and colored enough rice to fill my sensory table. (If you don't have rice, it also works well with red, white, and pink shredded construction paper.) I printed out out the words, laminated them, and set them on a table close by so the students could see them. Each student picks a word and then searches for the letters needed to spell that word in the sensory table. When they find the letters they use them to cover the letters on the laminated word strip. Available for FREE at my TPT store here.

Write the Room - Hearts

Write target letters for the month on hearts. Place them around the room. Give students a clipboard and tell them to find the letters. My students simply colored the heart on their clipboard when they found it, but you could make it harder by having them write the letter on their worksheet when they find it.

Valentine's Listening Game

Make a paper heart and stick a small piece of candy to it. Choose a student to go out into the hall while the other students hide the valentine somewhere in the classroom. (I make sure that the valentine is still visable when it is hidden). Bring the student back in the class to find the valentine. The rest of the class sings a well-known song (I did Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed) to help him find the valentine. They sing loud when he is close and soft when he is far from the valentine. When the student finds the valentine he gets to eat it. Repeat until everyone has had a turn. 

ABC Heart Cover up

Students use bingo chips to cover the letters on the heart. Get this for free on my TPT site here.

Graphing Hearts

Students sort and graph a cup of conversation hearts. Then they have to count and write how many of each color they have. Then they eat them!

Valentines Mailboxes

I do my Community Helper Unit during February, so we make mailboxes for our valentines on the day that we learn about mail carriers and the post office. Last year I bought mailboxes from oriental trading company for the students to assemble, and they liked them, but the mailboxes were VERY small and they couldn't fit all their valentines inside. This year I think I'm going to try out these paper plate mailboxes that I found on Pinterest. 

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